A formula for generating an exhibition of sculptures at random, 2020
A formula for generating an exhibition of sculptures at random You need a catalogue of the Bauhaus hardware store and a set of two ten sided dice, one representing the tens and the other the single digits for rolling a number between 01-100
1. Determine the Budget available for the Exhibition Roll a d100 dice to determine the amount in € you have available for the exhibition.
2. Determine the objects to be purcha‐ sed from the Bauhaus hardware store catalogue Roll a d100 dice to determine the alphabetic category in the Index of the Bauhaus catalogue. Roll another d100 each for the object category and page number. Within the category the ob‐ jects are numbered up to 20 max. Roll 2d10 for determining the object. Whenever your Roll exceeds the amount of objects available within the section, or the object is not available in the shop, roll again. Repeat this procedure untill your exhibition budget is used up. If the remaining amount is lower than the cheapest product in the catalog, just place the money some‐ where visible in the exhibtion.
01-03 A 04-07 B 08-11 C 12-15 D 16-19 E 20-23 F 24-27 G 28-31 H 32-35 I 36-39 J 40-43 K 44-47 L 48-51 M 52-55 N 56-59 O 60-63 P 64-67 R 68-71 S 72-75 T 76-79 U 80-83 V 84-87 W 88-91 Z 92-100 Roll again
3. Determine room and wall Roll 1d100 to determine the room and wall/floor the object will be installed on 00-20 entrance 00-20 wall 1A 21-40 wall 1B 41-60 wall 1C 61-80 wall 1D 81-100 wall 1E double=floor 21-40 kitchen 00-11 wall 2A 12-23 wall 2B 24-35 wall 2C 36-47 wall 2C 48-59 wall 2D 60-71 wall 2E 72-82 wall 2F 83-94 wall 2G 95-100 wall 2H double=floor 41-60 corridor 00-50 wall 3A 51-100 wall 3B double=floor 61-80 bathroom 00-11 wall 4A 12-23 wall 4B 24-35 wall 4C 36-47 wall 4D 48-59 wall 4E 60-71 wall 4F 72-82 wall 4G 83-94 wall 4H 95-100 wall 4I double=floor 81-100 livingroom 00-16 wall 5A 17-33 wall 5B 34-50 wall 5C 51-67 wall 5D 68-84 wall 5E 85-100 wall 5F double=floor
4. Determine the position on the wall/ floor Take the width of the object and subtract that measurement from the width of the wall/floor. Divide the wall into an even grid of 10×10. Now roll 1d100 and, starting from the lower left corner of the wall, take the tens as the y-axis and the units as the x-axis to determine the position of the object. The lower left end of the object is used as the starting point.
5. Refund the objects After the closing of the exhibition, bring the purchased and ex‐ hibited objects back to the Hardware store to get a refund. Un‐ der no circumstances the objects can be sold as artistic works.